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CAN Remote Automation and Control with the AVR
The free home automation project

Online Forum



Last update
09 Nov 1999

I started CARACA for my house, but I received a lot of mails from people interested in home automation, so I decided to start the CARACA project to join all efforts into one direction.

I know there is already home automation projects, but they aren't as "open" as I would they be.

CARACA is yet in first development stage (alpha), but with the help of other interested programmers and people with CAN bus experience I hope to finish it soon.


Help me to improve CARACA
  • Enter the on-line forum, send suggestions and comments
  • Download the software and documentation, read it, try it, possibly improve it!


Bus topology

node1.jpg (10423 byte)Caraca Node




 Download pages

Version 0.08 (alpha)

To build the project you need the IAR free assembler. I plan to port it to the AVA assembler.

To program the AT90S2313 you can use PonyProg.


Under construction